Archive Policy for the Involvement International Journal of Business

The Involvement International Journal of Business is committed to preserving and providing lasting access to scholarly knowledge through a robust archive policy. Our archiving practices ensure the research we publish remains accessible and relevant over time, contributing to ongoing scholarly discourse.

We utilize the PKP Preservation Network (PN) for our digital preservation efforts. The PKP PN provides free preservation services for Open Journal Systems (OJS) journals that meet basic criteria. To archive our journal in the PKP PN, we employ the PKP|PN Plugin, ensuring secure and perpetual storage of our published content. This ensures that our articles are safeguarded against data loss and remain available for future access.

Assigning a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each published article is another key component of our archive policy. DOIs provide a permanent and unique link to each article, ensuring persistent accessibility and seamless citation, even if web addresses change.

In cases requiring retractions or corrections, we adhere to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Transparent notifications regarding retractions or corrections are issued, and the necessary amendments are reflected in the archived versions.

Our archive policy underscores our dedication to scholarly stewardship. We invite researchers, academics, and practitioners to explore our extensive archives, confident that the research published in the Involvement International Journal of Business will remain a valuable resource for generations to come. For any inquiries regarding our archive policy or specific archiving practices, please contact our editorial office.