This issue is for the period March 2025. This issue has been available online since 11 March 2025 for the regular edition March 2025. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were written/co-authored by 23 authors from 2countries: India and Indonesia.


Published: 2025-03-11

Optimizing the Potential of Early Childhood Students at TK Kemala Bhayangkari 14 Through Educational Garden Based on PAR

Sovia Ikhwani Putri, Siti Nur Bahagia, Ilmi Hamidah Nasution, Annisah Lubis, Pradika Dwi Anggraini, Melda Diana Nasution (Author)


Fostering Anti-Bullying Awareness: Empowering Elementary School Students Through Education

Musfirah, Imron Burhan, Ainun Najib Alfatih, Naufal Qadri Syarif, Nur Ilmi (Author)


Internalizing the Code of Journalistic Ethics from an Islamic Perspective for Beginner Journalists

Kholilah Lubis, Nurmayanti Fitri Simbolon, Riadhoh Amalia, Sahara Nurfitri Nasution, Fadhilah Rahmadani, Agnes Amanda, Muhammad Alawi, Raja Ali Da’i (Author)
